Admission scholarships are awarded to selected recipients, including new students, on the basis of academic merits, non-academic achievements, as well as other criteria set by the University and donors. No separate application is required. Please refer to the website of Scholarships & Financial Aid Unit, Office of Student Affairs for detailed information and the information therein shall always prevail.
1Definition of Non-local Students
Non-local students are defined as person entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with any of the following student visa/ entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration of the Hong Kong Government:
Those who do not belong to this category will be considered as local applicants. Please check with the Admissions Office on your local/non-local status when in doubt.
Under the current immigration policy, nationals from Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, North Korea(DPRK) and Nepal may not be able to obtain a student visa to study in Hong Kong. For details, please click here.
For Local Students
Applicants via JUPAS Route
JUPAS admittees will be awarded a one-off academic entry scholarship if they meet the University Entrance Requirements for full-time undergraduate programmes in one sitting in their most recent HKDSE examination and fulfill one of the following requirements:
Full-tuition Scholarship:Recipients may concurrently receive other scholarships or awards from HKBU or other donors/organisations that subsidise their tuition fee provided that the total amount of scholarships received does not exceed the actual tuition fee paid, i.e., HKBU may adjust the amount of scholarship awarded accordingly.
Awards for subject excellence:Students cannot receive the University full-tuition or half-tuition scholarship concurrently with the above awards for subject excellence, but they may still receive the admission scholarships offered by their Faculties/programmes if they fulfil both requirements.
Applicants via Non-JUPAS Route
Outstanding local applicants will be eligible for a one-off full-tuition or half-tuition if they are able to attain one of the following requirements:
Full-tuition Scholarship (Local Applicants):Local sub‐degree holders, who are admitted to our full-time UGC‐funded undergraduate degree programmes as senior year entrants with a normalised cumulative GPA of 3.80 or above (normalised to a maximum cumulative GPA of 4.00); or equivalent qualifications stipulated by the University, will be awarded a one-off full-tuition scholarship.
HKBU Village CARE Campaign Admission Scholarship Scheme for Outstanding South and South East Asian Ethnic Minority Students
Full-tuition or half-tuition scholarship will be awarded to outstanding local ethnic minority students who are admitted to full-time UGC-funded undergraduate degree programmes offered by the University via JUPAS or non-JUPAS. The Scholarship is tenable for up to four years, subject to attainment of renewal requirements. Selection criteria include academic potential, financial needs, participation in community service and extra-curricular activities, leadership qualities, goals and desire to contribute to society, as well as other talents or non-academic achievements. Please refer to the website of Scholarships & Financial Aid Unit, Office of Student Affairs for details.
For Non-Local Students
Applicants via Non-JUPAS Route
These scholarships* are available to non-local applicants at the time of entrance into HKBU. No separate application is required. These scholarships are renewable for normal duration of study subject to the student’s achievement of good result.
* Subject to University's annual review.
The University will nominate outstanding non-local non-mainland admittees from Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand and other Belt and Road countries to compete for the Belt and Road Scholarship offered by the Government of Hong Kong SAR. The scholarship covers annual tuition fees and is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory academic performance of the recipients. Please refer to the official website for more details.
Individual Faculties / Schools / Academy may offer entrance scholarships to outstanding non-local applicants. Details of these scholarships are available in the website of Scholarships & Financial Aid Unit, Office of Student Affairs.
Full-time local students with financial need may apply for financial assistance in the form of grants, bursaries and loans. A few bursaries are available for full-time non-local students. More details are in the website of Scholarships & Financial Aid Unit, Office of Student Affairs.