The University adopts a policy of broad-based admissions for most of its programmes. This has resulted in the offering of 22 programmes. The number of majors offered by the University is over 45. Under broad-based admissions, students can choose to study in their desired Faculty/School and enhance their overall understanding of the disciplines in the first year. After they have studied more about different subjects of the disciplines, they can then make the best choice of major in order to achieve their goals.

The following Faculties adopt broad-based admissions:

News & Important Dates

Programmes on Offer


Admissions Scores

Best 5 Subjects Admission Scores for 2024 Entry is shown below:


Programme's Mean
  • Median
  • CHIN
  • ENGL
  • MATH
  • CSD
  • Elec 1
  • Elec 2
  • Elec 3
  • Elec 4
  • Lower
  • CHIN
  • ENGL
  • MATH
  • CSD
  • Elec 1
  • Elec 2
  • Elec 3
  • Elec 4

The calculation of "Study Programme's Mean" score is based on best 5 subjects (Category A, B and C subjects are included) with subject weighting.

As not all programmes select students on the basis of HKDSE results alone and the actual results of the students admitted to each programme may vary from year to year (depending on the overall results achieved by applicants in a particular year, the number of applicants applying to the programme, changes in selection criteria, etc.), information in this section is for reference only, and should not be used to predict the chance of admission to any programme in subsequent years.

Transdisciplinary Second Majors/Second Majors

The University envisions the importance of transdisciplinary innovations in response to global challenges and offers a flexible curriculum structure that is much more agile and fits the present and yet-to-known future needs. Seven new transdisciplinary second majors (TSMs) and two new second majors (SMs) will be introduced in the 2025/26 academic year.  TSMs are geared for particular talent needs in Hong Kong and prepare students to pool knowledge from different disciplines to excel in multiple careers, whereas SMs prepare students to gain in-depth knowledge from another discipline to complement the first major. This approach equips students not only for their careers, but also the future development of their respective fields.

Transdisciplinary Second Majors

  • Cultural Industry Management
  • Creative Industry Management
  • Digital Entertainment
  • Interactive Media Publishing
  • Green Technology and Sustainability Management
  • Applied AI for Sustainable Society
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


Second Majors

  • AI and Data Science
  • Testing Sciences


Students of designated programmes can declare one TSM or SM in their second year of study*.  The study of the TSM / SM normally commences in Year 3.  Students pursuing a TSM/SM are required to complete a minimum of 134 units for graduation i.e. 6 more units than the regular graduation requirement.  More details will be available in due course.
* TSMs or SMs are not available to students admitted to Transdisciplinary programmes, dual/double/combined degree programmes and other programmes which may not be able to make arrangements for their students to opt for a TSM or SM.


Transdiciplinary Programme Title


Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Arts and Technology


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (Global Entertainment)


Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Innovation in Health and Social Well-Being


Bachelor of Arts, Science and Technology (Hons) in Individualised Major


Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Digital Futures and Humanities


General Entrance Requirements

For Hong Kong students taking HKDSE for admission via JUPAS, the general entrance requirements for 2025 entry are:

General Entrance Requirements

Core Subject(s)

Minimum Level









Elective Subject(s)

Minimum Level



* “Attained”in Citizenship and Social Development (CSD) will not be included in the admission score calculation. Applicants with Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies subject attained in 2023 or before would be accepted in lieu of CSD for fulfilling the GERs. Following the handling of CSD, results of Liberal Studies subject would not be given any score in score calculation starting from the 2024 entry.


1) One of the elective subjects must be Category A subjects excluding Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2). Another elective subject can be all Category A subjects including Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2).

2) Individual programmes may consider Category B subjects (Applied Learning) with “Attained with Distinction (I)” or above and/or Category C subjects (Other Languages) for fulfilment of the second elective subject requirement. Please refer to the programme entrance requirements of individual programmes for details. 

3) Category B subjects under the study area of “Applied Learning Chinese” are recognised as an alternative Chinese language qualification for non-Chinese speaking students. These subjects are not for fulfilment of the second elective subject requirement. 

4) JUPAS Band A applicants who fail to meet the general entrance requirements by one level in any one of the HKDSE subjects (except Citizenship and Social Development), but obtain a total of two * s (either one subject with 5** or 2 subjects with 5*) or above in any subject(s) may also be considered for admission.

5) In general, the scores for Category A, B and C subjects are converted as follows:

   Category A:  5**=7, 5*=6, 5=5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1

   Category B: Attained with Distinction (II) =4, Attained with Distinction (I) =3

   Category C:

Exam Year  HKDSE Category C Subjects  Conversion Scores
 7  5.5  4
2025  Japanese N1 N2 N3
 French, German and Spanish C1, C2    B1, B2 A2
 Korean Level 6 Level 4, 5 Level 3
2024 or before  French, German, 
 Hindi,  Japanese,
 Spanish, Urdu

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE

For 2025 entry, we accept combined results and will count the best results for meeting our entrance requirements and for the calculation of admissions scores.


Alternative English Language Qualifications

The following public examination results are recognised by the University as equivalent to Level 3 of HKDSE English:

  1. Minimum score of 60 (Paper-delivered Test) or 79 (Internet-based Test/ iBT Home Edition / iBT Paper Edition) in TOEFL (TOEFL MyBestTM Score is not accepted) ; or
  2. Minimum score of 6.0 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Academic Level; or
  3. Grade C/ Grade 4 or above in GCE O-Level/ GCSE English/ English Language or English Literature; or
  4. Grade C/ Grade 4 or above in IGCSE First Language English; or
  5. Grade B/ Grade 5 or above in IGCSE English as a Second Language; or
  6. Grade E or above in GCE AS or A-Level English; or
  7. Grade C or above in Cambridge English C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency; or
  8. Grade E or above in HKALE Use of English (AS Use of English).

Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students

For Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students fulfilling one of the specified conditions in Note 1, HKBU will accept the following alternative Chinese language qualifications for meeting the entrance requirement for HKDSE Chinese Language (except for Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science (JS2410) and Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine (JS2420)):


  1. Grade E or above in GCE A/AS Level Chinese; or
  2. Grade C/ Grade 4 or above in GCSE/IGCSE/GCE O-Level Chinese/ Chinese Language; or
  3. "Attained" in Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)).


Please refer to the table for the score conversion scale of respective exam results.


Conversion Scores





GCE (A-Level)

A*, A



D, E

GCE (AS-Level)




D, E

GCE Ordinary Level



B, C

IGCSE/ GCSE (2020 onwards)



9, 8, 7

6, 5, 4

IGCSE/ GCSE (before 2020)



A*, A

B, C

Applied Learning (Chinese)




Attained with Distinction,


HKDSE Category C subjects (Other Languages) normally cannot be used for meeting the entrance requirement on Chinese Language. While waivers may be granted at the discretion of individual programmes, such consideration is only made under special circumstances, on a case-by-case basis. Students are therefore strongly advised to obtain the requisite Chinese language qualifications.


Note 1:

The specified conditions are:

  1. The student has learned Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education. This caters specifically to students who have a late start in learning of Chinese Language (e.g. due to their settlement in Hong Kong well past the entry level) or who have been educated in Hong Kong sporadically; or
  2. The student has learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, but has been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in our local schools.


Score Calculation

Subject Weightings for Score Calculation

The University would adopt the "Best 5 (Any Best 5 Subjects)" score formulae for calculating applicants' admissions scores:

Please find below the details of subject weightings of the 2025 entry for reference:


JUPAS Score Calculator

Please visit here to calculate your JUPAS admissions scores.



Interview Arrangement

Summary on the preliminary interview arrangement for the 2025 entry are listed below for reference:
Programme Code Programme Title Before the Announcement of HKDSE Results After the Announcement of HKDSE Results
JS2060 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Music (Hons) (Music / Creative Industries) May - June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2110 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) - Accounting Concentration June 2025 N/A
JS2120 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) June 2025 N/A
JS2330 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Film and Television N/A End of July 2025
JS2340 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Acting for Global Screen June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2370 Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Game Design and Animation N/A End of July 2025
JS2410 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2420 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2660 Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) N/A End of July 2025 *
JS2810 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2920 Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Arts and Technology June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2930 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (Global Entertainment) June 2025 End of July 2025
JS2950 Bachelor of Arts, Science and Technology (Hons) in Individualised Major June 2025 End of July 2025

* Applicants with language skills in addition to English and Chinese (e.g., also speaking Urdu, Nepali, Hindi) may be invited to attend interviews.


  1. Please visit this website from time to time for any updates. The schedule is subject to the University's final decision.
  2. Interviews / Tests / Written Examination for School Principal's Nominations/ Applicants with a Disability/ Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities (if any) will be held in mid-June of the current year.
  3. Please note that interview letter will NOT be posted to applicants. All applicants will be informed of details of interview arrangements via the following channels:
    1. Personal email accounts registered in the JUPAS; and
    2. JUPAS Accounts (Access to: JUPAS Website > "LOG ON - my JUPAS Account" > "Applicant's Login" > click "Message Box" ) ; and/or
    3. SMS messages sent directly to their mobile phones (for applicants who opt to receive SMS messages only).
  4. Shortlisted applicants will receive email/SMS notifications around one week before the interview.
  5. Campus map:
  6. For programme(s) which would consider the re-scheduling of interview date/ time, applicants are required to submit request by completing the Request Form for Change of Written Test or Interview.

Special Consideration

Special consideration for JUPAS applicants who failed to meet the General Entrance Requirements

JUPAS Band A applicants who fail to meet the general entrance requirements by one level in any one of the HKDSE subjects (except Citizenship and Social Development), but obtain a total of two * s (either one subject with 5** or 2 subjects with 5*) or above in any subject(s) may also be considered for admission.

School Principal's Nominations (SPN)

The School Principal's Nominations is to give due recognition to students who have contributed to social services or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. For details and updated information concerning the School Principal's Nominations, please visit the JUPAS website.

Applicants with Disabilities/ Special Educational Needs (SEN)

The University is committed to provide equal educational opportunity and respectful learning environment for all students including those with disabilities and special educational needs.

Applicants with a disability are requested to indicate the nature of their disability on the application forms for consideration by the University. The University views applications from students with a disability on an equal basis with other students. It will not affect the chances of their admission, provided the programmes applied for are those which the applicants are physically able to cope with. It also helps the University identify those applicants with a disability so that they could provide assistance and advice at an early stage and to give appropriate consideration to the applicants concerned. Admitted students with disabilities and special educational needs may approach the Unit for Students with Special Educational Needs (USSEN), which is part of the Office of Student Affairs of the University, for one-stop services. Please visit the USSEN website for more details:

Applicants may submit details of their disabilities and upload supporting documents together with their applications to JUPAS Office before the stipulated deadline. For details, please visit the JUPAS website.

Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities (OEA)  

OEA is one of the factors for the University in considering applicants' performances in addition to achievements at HKDSE Examination results. Applicants should make reference to their own Student Learning Profiles (SLP) when providing the OEA information. Please refer to JUPAS website for the deadline for submission of OEA information and arrangement.

Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme (TADAS)

To offer our due commitment in supporting the talented athletes in the community, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) launched the Elite Athletes Admission Scheme (EAAS) in 2016 and has since admitted more than 70 student-athletes to study programmes at undergraduate level across a wide spectrum of disciplines in Arts, Social Sciences, Business, Science, and Communication.

Building on the solid foundation of the EAAS, HKBU has enhanced EAAS and launched the “Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme” (TADAS)* (i.e. the UGC SALSA*) specifically for local talented athletes who wish to study at our University to achieve their full potentials in both sports and academic pursuit. For details of TADAS and appication form, please visit HKBU website:

* Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission Scheme (SALSA) introduced by the University Grants Council (UGC). 


School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

The objective of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) is to give due recognition to applicants who have contributed to social services or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. The University would exercise greater flexibility under the existing mechanism in admitting students who demonstrate talents and competencies which could not be fully assessed by the HKDSE Examination. SNDAS is a “programme-student matching exercise” in essence in recognition of special talents. For details of SNDAS, please visit:

HKBU website:

EDB's website:

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact the Admissions Office of Academic Registry:


Telephone: 3411 2200